Saturday 29 March 2014


What is the Prognosis for Spinal Disc Injury?

Unfortunately bulging disc injuries are usually not a quick fix. Most bulging disc injuries do take several weeks to settle.
They will also remain weak and vulnerable for at least six weeks, sometimes longer. However, the good news is that most bulging disc injuries will not remain painful for that time period - but some do - and these tend to be the disc injuries that are poorly managed in the early phase.

Spinal Disc Surgery

Surgery is occasionally required when your leg pain does not settle with a conservative (non-operative) approach.
Persisting symptoms over six months may require the attention of a surgeon who specialises in treating back pain and sciatica. If you have some severe symptoms such as bowel or bladder dysfunction or extreme muscle weakness you may require emergency surgery.
Please check with your physiotherapist or doctor for their professional opinion.

1 comment:

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